Wednesday, December 26, 2007
But I also can't help but think of all the friends and great music makers we lost this year. Ike Turner, jazz great Oscar Peterson, Little Milton, Luther Ingram, Boots Randolph, just to name a few. And last, but not least, one of the Slack biggest fans, Apache. To you all, R.I.P
Yes, it was quite a year, ending with the annual Slacks Christmas party. That was BIG fun. We met & made alot of new friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. And let's have a prosperous and SAFE 2008.
Diamond D
Friday, December 21, 2007
Cantab Chicken Christmas!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Money talks...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Thanksgiving at Muscle Shoals
My wife Amy's hometown is right next door, in Florence, and we got personal tours of both Muscle Shoals and FAME Studios. Florence Alabama Music Enterprises (FAME) had its first success with the 1961 hit by Arthur Alexander, "You Better Move On," and the studio did move on, to record Wilson Pickett's "Land of a Thousand Dances," Etta James' "Tell Mama," and dozens more records that went platinum and changed the pop landscape. It is where Aretha Franklin launched her soul career in 1967 with "Never Loved a Man the Way that I Love You." I sat down at the very same Wurlitzer piano that Spooner Oldham played for that great opening hook at the top of that song.
Our visit to the second studio-- Muscle Shoals Sound Studios-- was the coolest part of our day. We pulled up to the place and no one was around and the doors were locked. We peered through the windows and didn't see much. We took some pics of the building. Then a man in a pick up pulled in and parked behind us, and he was Noel Webster, the current owner of the studio, the man responsible for restoring the place after a few years of its being shut down, and the man responsible for getting the place on the National Historic Registry. (Sun Studios is the only other studio so designated.)
Noel was happy to see us and we hung out a long time. Saw the bathroom, yes, and the vintage console and the two-inch tape set up. All vintage gear, down to the original orange vinyl sofa and chair used for breaks. But the big deal was the timeless genius of the place itself, the great and rare acoustics: a warm sound, due in large part to the wooden floor and a whole lot of hard and soft surfaces in a relationship that could never be engineered by anything but good fortune. They still get reverb by dropping a mic down into the basement (Chess did the same thing. Did STAX?). Music just sounds good in there. Cozy and warm, it's a perfect place to record a rocker like "Brown Sugar" or a ballad like "Many Rivers to Cross"
Most of us know the history: In 1969, the legendary FAME house band started Muscle Shoals Sound in a tiny ex-casket factory not too far from FAME, out on Jackson Highway, with a loan from Atlantic's Jerry Wexler. The new musician-owned studio went on to create a big chunk of rock and roots history: The Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Millie Jackson, Traffic, The Staple Singers, Paul Simon, Leon Russell, Bobby Womack, Delbert McClinton, Jimmy Cliff, Willie Nelson, Rod Stewart, and again, Aretha Franklin-- they all went to Muscle Shoals, 65 miles, at the time, from any Interstate Highway, to isolate and do nothing but work inside the music.
Phil Collins and Tom Petty have booked Muscle Shoals sessions this December. Noel continues his cause to get STAX, Capricorn, Capitol, Chess, Motown and other studios on to the National Registry, to restore them as needed and keep them restored and safe from destruction, to honor the music that came out of churches, farms, factories, bars and high schools to change everything. Yeah, everything.
So guys-- how about a trip to northwest Alabama?
In Remembrance
RIP dear sister and God Speed. We will truly miss you.
Diamond D
Summer of '07
How y'all doing? It's been a while, but here we are. It was one hell-of-a summer. We did alot of weddings this year. A couple stand out, though. The Stump wedding was a blast, as well as the State House wedding. I don't know about you, but I really had fun at the wedding we did for the New Orleans couple. That was the most fun I had all summer at any wedding. At the end of that one, I felt like one of the guests. It really went over the top when the horns (& myself) led the whole wedding party into the second line dance parade. It REALLY REALLY felt like I was back home again. I haven't danced like that in years. (God I miss N.O., there's no place like home Toto). And what really brought the whole year to an end was the return trip to Bar Harbor, where we had the pleasure of closing Carmen Verandah's for the year. Met some really NICE people there (see Pics). Can't wait to go back next year. KT, WE WILL be coming back, so as the song says "Get Ready" cuz here we come. So now it's on to the New Year. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. And we hope you have a happy holiday. Don't party too much (yeah, right). Do all that you can & DO IT GOOD!!
Diamond D
Monday, November 5, 2007
Soul Christmas
Monday, October 29, 2007
World Series Champions
You may have missed your chance to watch part of the series at the Cantab, with the Chicken Slacks ... but this means you can come out to dance this Thursday with no distractions!
Monday, October 22, 2007
George Masso
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wedding season: "Wrap It Up"
This will be the last wedding the Slacks have booked for '07 (oh, wait, there's one more in November, up in "Brrrr" Harbor, Maine). I must say it's been a lot of fun. People always ask me "Do you like playing weddings?" as if it's a hassle, like I have to rent a tux and buy a gift and find a date and all that. It's not like I was IN 15 weddings, we were just the PARTY! And we love to throw a party as you know. Weddings are a lot of fun: great locations, super happy people, gourmet food, fabulous dresses, and the inevitable "make a circle" dance contest. Chicken Slacks: We don't make music, we make memories. How's that for a slogan!?
Anyways, we're already booking weddings for next year, and if it continues at this pace, it'll easily surpass this year's numbers. Kudos to our sound engineer Rob Swalley, always the first to arrive and the last to leave, "working for that minimum wage..." as Jackson Browne once said. The man is a genius and makes us sound incredible. Thanks Rob.
We took some video at some of the weddings this season; I hope to put something together for YouTube at some point...stay tuned!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Origins of the Cantab
Well, wherever, whatever, whoever it was, its a pillar of the Boston music scene!
See you all Thursday night!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Record night at the Cantab
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
writing songs for new CD
Friday, September 21, 2007
Slacks in the Boston Herald
The following article appeared September 21, 2007 in the Boston Herald.
Chicken Slacks at the Cantab
by Jed Gottlieb, Boston Herald
Maybe it was inspired by Little Joe Cook’s marathon man mentality, but the Cantab has always been a bastion for musical streaks. Geoff Bartley has been running a Monday open mike night for more than a decade. The Tuesday bluesgrass sessions are another long-standing tradition. But the natural successor to Cook’s legacy is Chicken Slacks.
Last week, the band - named after a misheard Sam Cooke lyric (“He’s dancing with the chick in slacks”) - celebrated two years of Thursday gigs. For their 104th show, the r & b revivalists celebrated with 200 fans crowding between belly dancers, jugglers, balloon artists and one dude in a chicken suit. Oh, and foot-stomping Stax soul music.
“When we first started at the Cantab they were having different bands,” said drummer Justin Berthiaume. “It took a little salesmanship to turn it into a month of Thursdays. After that month we thought, ‘Hey, we just could keep this thing going.’ Now it’s been two years.”
With a seven-piece band, the streak is even more impressive. Members have come and gone, the lead singer’s been replaced, but they’ve never missed a Thursday.
“The key is that the band and the Cantab are unpretentious,” Berthiaume said. “Old, young, black, white, they’re all here.”
Monday, September 17, 2007
A few Circus photos!

Thanks for the photos Elise!
The 2 Year Anniversary Circus was a rousing success! Thank you to all our fans for making it such a special night for us! Look for an online photo gallery of the night coming soon at our homepage.

Friday, September 14, 2007
Truly a Circus!
I saw at least two (2) party-goers almost overcome with emotion (and, perhaps, alchohol?) tumbling towards the band.
And I saw Steve tearing it up on the dancefloor!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Holly Harris digs the Slacks!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ballroom dancing with the Slacks!
You gotta see these guys!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Anniversary Circus plans well underway
Monday, August 13, 2007
Maine - always a trip
We were immediately thrown a curve ball when the venue told us the bartenders here are instructed not to serve alcohol to band members. "Wha-wha-what?!" Not that we drink a lot, but it's certainly nice to have a beer with the guests, loosen up a bit, and feel like part of the party. It was no fault of the bride and groom, I'm sure they knew nothing of it, and of course we didn't say anything to them on their big day. Some places, especially in Maine, have really weird rules about musicians and alcohol, as if we're not responsible enough to handle it. Many places tell you that they see the band as an employee of the venue, and they don't allow their employees to drink. Well, I can see why you wouldn't want a waitress drinking on the job, but a drummer? And technically we were not employees of the venue, we were hired by the bride and groom. But hey, I'll stop ranting. Really not a huge deal. We still had fun and we all left very well hydrated with plenty of Maine's finest tap water (with ice of course).
None of that stopped the band from delivering a great night of music. It always amazes me when I first evaluate the crowd and decide "hmm, I don't think their the dancing type" and then three songs into it, after dinner and a few drinks, the dancefloor is packed. What can I say? We get 'em excited.
The reception hall was carpeted, with a circular dancefloor of hardwoods in the middle. That circle must have been 30 feet across. I kept monitoring the dancers, waiting for the time when the dancefloor would be so packed that people would spill over onto the carpet. I think it was about 10.30pm when this happened, and it made me smile. That's when I knew we had them.
Back at the hotel we had a nice little after hours (Diamond D found a gas station that sold beer). We were tossing the frisbee at 1am (who knew Alec could throw so well?) and watching Hendrix on the DVD. It was surprisingly cold that night (I could see my breath). Next thing I knew it was 11am and Diamond D was knocking on my door, trying to wake me to get on the road, another successful show completed and the long ride home ahead of us.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Random Kudos
Monday, August 6, 2007
Old State House Wedding
Great wedding Saturday @ the Old State House (especially under adverse conditions). Being as I was under the weather, I commend you guys for doing a stellar job. This band runs like a well-oiled machine, and it's good to know that when one (or more) isn't up to par or missing, that the rest of the team can pick it up a notch & carry the show. It's an honor to play with such professional musicians. With that being said, It was AWESOME to play in such a historic place. That was my first time in there, and I must say, it was an overwhelming AND educational experience. To see the actual clothes worn by John Hancock (such a little guy) & see actual artifacts from Bunker Hill was amazing. I didn't even know Boston had a West End till I'd seen the black & whites of the neighborhood. We actually rocked a place where it all started. That was pretty cool. PLUS I got to meet some COOL people too. I WILL be going back real soon, when I can spend more time. Think the ghosts of past enjoyed the show?
Diamond D
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Back to Boston
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The triumphant return to Worcester
We had a great time on Friday the 13th at Gilreins, the band was smokin' and the crowd was into it. The staff was real nice, the club itself was beautifully detailed, and the sound system was stellar (thanks Jonathan!). I listen back to the recording and you can hear the intensity of the band and the excitement of the audience. D was so psyched to be back (he had played here years before with his previous bands, including the Rhythm Rockers) and a lot of folks turned out to see him tear up the room once again.
A few days after the gig, I got a call from the owner, who thanked me profusely for such a great night and inquired about our imminent return.
So it looks like we've found our new Central Mass headquarters! Looks for us again in October!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Great Job!!!
Diamond D