Usually we like to ring in the New Year close to home, but this year the band traveled a few hours from Boston to the winter wonderland that is Wilmington, Vermont and the aptly-named Mount Snow. We performed to a sold-out lot of highly energetic and intoxicated ski bums at the Snow Barn. Luckily it really isn't a barn, and most of the snow stays outdoors. Inside, the big firepit was roaring, the drinks were flowing and the music was pumping from the stage. The folks up there were great and the staff treated us real well. I'm sure there'll be some more photos posted from the show.
Of course one of the fun things about the road gig is the after-gig hang. It's not like we're the Stones or Van Halen, but we do our best to carry on a certain tradition. The good folks at Mount Snow put us up in a nice ski condo with a big circular walk-around fireplace. I appointed myself the official "fire marshall" and set about starting a fire in the fireplace. (Ever note how interesting a word like "fireplace" is? A "place" for the "fire". Fireplace! Genius.) Anyway, without any kindling and some pretty wet wood I had my work cut out for me, but my backcountry skills came through once again. I earned my merit badge on that one!
We all gathered round the "fireplace" and passed around the guitar and the champagne, for a little impromtu late-night singalong. I think the highlights were Slim's version of "Ventura Highway" with Alec playing beer bottles (and you thought they were just for holding beer!) and Rosco's "Secret Agent Man". I pulled out a good "Tequila Sunrise" I thought.
The next morn Rosco cooked us up a great lumberjack breakfast with all the fixin's. The mimosas really hit the spot. Sure enough the snow started up, and didn't let up all day. When it was all over another foot had fallen. Most of us split for home after breakfast and ended up with an extra two hours tacked on to the drive from traffic and snow. I thought better of it and lit another fire, waiting 'til nightfall, driving back on gorgeous, freshly plowed roads with a luxurious coat of bright snow on all the trees, houses, and fences along the way. Damn but Vermont is beautiful in winter! Happy New Year!
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