One year since moving to Sacramento, and all is well! I continue to book the band, thanks to the internet and thanks to Jeremy, our esteemed Music Director, who does a great job when face-to-face is required. I'm missing The Cantab, after playing every Thursday for six years.
Just spent a weekend with Slacks founding member Justin Berthiume, who moved to San Francisco in 2009. Justin is thriving as a science teacher at a San Francisco charter school, and was in Sacramento to attend a two-day conference on environmental research and policy.
He's still living on Haight Street, in an apartment once famously occupied by The Grateful Dead. The place is the last stop on one of San Francisco's tourist bus routes, and the question Justin is asked the most is "how much rent do you pay?"
Here's a shot of Justin, directing from his drummer's chair, during a memorable gig at the funky 169 Bar in NYC.

Looks like I'll be in Boston at the end of August. See you at The Cantab!