Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A little shameless self-promotion
“Everyone should go to Cantab Lounge on Thursday nights. The band, The Chicken Slacks, were far from slackers. Not only did they jam until 2am, but also Jeremy (sax player) could be seen smiling while billowing into his horn…”
“In a phenomenal move of showmanship, Diamond D leaves the stage completely at least a few times and retreats to the back office...then returns minutes later to crazy applause. Serious performers know how to enter and exit a room…”
“You need to come on a Thursday night to be funkified ASAP if you have never been…”
“But for my money, there is undoubtedly no better night of dancing in Boston then the Chicken Slacks on Thursday. This funk-soul outfit brings together twenty-something hipsters, soccer moms, and a plethora of goofily grizzled barflies…”
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Photo shoot on the docks
Thursday, September 23, 2010
We had a great Fifth Anniversary Circus
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Jeremy interviewed by The Worcester Telegram and Gazette
2. “Check the Rhime” – A Tribe called Quest. (They used a lot of sampling in this album. This particular track has the saxophone line from “Love Your Life” by Average White Band.)
3. “Bad Luck” - Hank Carbo (We pay homage to Hank by sometimes playing “Hot Pants” Thursdays at the Cantab.)
4. “Gentle Thoughts”- Herbie Hancock, from the album "Secrets." (My favorite Herbie tune of all time. It just sounds… right.) On this YouTube link you'll find a sampling of all the tracks on "Secrets."
5. “The World Is Round” - Rufus Thomas. Another classic from Rufus.
6. “On Fire” - JJ Grey & Mofro via YouTube, live at The Second Annual Blackwater Soul Revue in Saint Augustine, FL,2008. It’s raw, gritty, and the music video would do the song justice, I’d have to imagine.
7. “Danseuses De Delphes” – Claude Debussy ‘Debussy: Preludes Book 1’ I like listening to Debussy in the winter. Very serene; ephemeral. On the other hand “Minstrels” from the same Preludes Book is, what I believe, a jovial jaunt between some musicians on the street busking and fighting over which one deserves the tips from the next patron.
8. “Nothing Can Change This Love” – Sam Cooke. A beautiful ballad that I want to add to our repertoire. Sam's voice is oh, so smooth.
9. “Hip City” aka “Do That Shing A Ling” - Jr. Walker and the All Stars Live on Soul Train. His range is absolutely amazing! He just keeps popping out all of those “F’s”!
10. "Show Me Something Beautiful" - Trombone Shorty. If you don’t know who this is, you’ll need to find out as quickly as humanly possible. I had the pleasure of meeting him back in 2000 in New Orleans when he was just a teenager. He had the most clear, crisp, and precise tone I’ve ever heard come out of that horn. That night aI got a lesson on self-expression. I knew he was going to be big, but damn! I saw him again when I played in a brass band that opened Sound Session 2010 in Providence, RI. Great guy, too. He is the new sound of New Orleans.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Summer greetings
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thanks to My Secret Boston
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Thank You Chicken Slacks Nation!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Getting ready for Mardi Gras

Feb 19: Johnny D's in Somerville, MA.