Thursday, August 15, 2013

Busy busy busy

Nine weddings in the next eight weeks!

Here are a couple pics from Diana and Scott's wedding this June at the Flag Hill Winery in Lee, NH. Thanks to Marina DeMarco at Geneve Hoffman Photography!

Tracy, Rick, Mike.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Cantab is the place to be on Thursdays, says the Herald

Thanks to our friend, journalist Jed Gottlieb, for including the Chicken Slacks on his list of must-see club residencies in an article for the Boston Herald. He give The Chicken Slacks the nod for Thursdays!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sometimes we go to our own weddings

Congratulations to our drummer Ted Sullivan and his new bride, Jess Rogean! We wish you many years of health and prosperity.

Saturday, August 3, Barnstable, MA